Regulatory Compliance

Sponsors of small local projects often are surprised to discover that their funding and permits are dependent on their compliance with historic preservation laws. Anyone planning to construct a new local sewer system, replace a township bridge, fill a wetland, or build a new housing development or an airport is very likely to encounter them. The regulations require the federal agency or its assignee to consider project effects on historic properties through a defined sequence of steps.

Widespread public concern over the wholesale destruction of important historic sites across America has prompted Congress to pass legislation to protect our significant cultural resources. Most state have enacted similar historic preservation legislation. These resources include historic structures and districts, archaeological sites, rural historic landscapes, and traditional cultural properties that, generally, are listed, or eligible for listing, in the National Register of Historic Places. All federal agencies and other entities receiving federal funds or applying for federal permits must comply with these laws and regulations.

In theory, the compliance process is deceptively simple. In practice, it can be exceedingly confusing, and it has been known to create costly delays. Heberling Associates has assisted clients on hundreds of compliance projects, both large and small. Our clients are able to complete their project successfully and expeditiously, while fully complying with both the letter and the spirit of the law. We look forward to putting our staff's training and experience to work in guiding you through the complex compliance process.